Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Post : 001

 Hey blog readers of the internet, you've found my blog.
This is my blog of 101 things I hope to do before graduating college, or maybe finishing up the school year. I'm playing that by ear.  A little back ground for you, I'm a freshman at the U of R, majoring in biology with a minor in Creative Writing. This blog was started in response to gift I was given, 101 Things You Should Do Before You Graduate by David Bordon and Tom Winters. It was a 'Happy End of High School' and 'Our Son is too Old to be Baby Sat Now' gift. My list is not the book for word. The first thing I did was attack the book with a bunch of sticky notes.
I replaced things I had already done (Open a savings account), things that were too vague (Know Thyself) or were well,not things I can easily see myself doing (Read your Bible cover to cover).

I definitely can't say that blogging about it was my idea. If I did I would be a brat and a dirty liar.
Melissa Weidenborneris a friend of mine who's husband is currently deployed. She made a list of 100 things to do while he was away. I loved every video, blog and tweet she created and posted
So please check her out. Well, her blogs and stuff. She is a married lady after all.

Twitter stalk her @Melissas100List

 I guess that's all the credit i will be handing out at this moment. Here's the list, enjoy!

1. Get off your ass and go to yoga
2. Laugh A Lot
3. Write thank yous to people who helped me
4. Slow dance with someone special under the stars (oh brother...)
5. Introduce myself to people at the U of R
6. Welcome mornings!
7. Try juicing
8. Nibble on something new
9. Do yogi breaths in public
10. Hot air balloon ride
11. Play Quelf with my family and Robert and Patti
12. Tutor someone
13. Go cosmic bowling
14. Make a friend outside of school
15. Eat ice cream for breakfast
16. Try another hair color
17. Look in the mirror and ONLY say nice things to myself
18. Fill someone's room with balloons
19. Write a mission statement for your life
20. Plant a flower for those who come later
21. Plan a monthly friend outing
23. Give it up for the home team
24. Take lots of pictures to document this and my life as student
25. Take inventory of my clothing
26. Try Glamour's 'Eat... More!'
27. Go on a blind date with no expectations
28. Get involved with theater sets again
29. Donate a gallon of blood
30. Knit a sweater
31. Self-defense classes
32. Start an assignment the day it's given and finish it early
33. Travel light
34. Pray/Meditate more than once a week
35. Embrace Diversity
36. Sleep at someone else's place, every night, for a week
37. Get a job, or volunteer regularly if economy forbids
38. Write something and mail it to be published
39. Subscribe to a professional magazine
40. Go to class a different way and take in the view
41. Ask my grandma for advice
42. Make a budget
43. Go to a bunch of different places of worship
44. Inappropriate/impromptu badminton
45. Try every flavor of jelly bean
46. Celebrate a small victory
47. Coupon for the food cupboard
48. Look into the cost of liberty
49. Little happy fish tank
50. Random Acts of Kindness
51. Journaling
52. Identify and target 3 potential employers
53. To do list, every day, for a month
54. Verbalize my dreams
55. Do something I inexplicably believe to be dangerous
56. Eight of hours of sleep, eight days
57. Create little black book
58. Read the immense stack of books in my room
59. Get involved in charity (Planned Parenthood? Charity: water?)
60. Re-create my look, again
61. Volunteer babysit
62. Attend a resume writing seminar
63. Feed my savings account
64. Internship
65. Spend the whole night talking to someone
66. Thank my parents
67. Get my library in shape
68. Set a date for rendezvous
69. Do something that seems dangerous
70. Make a mini-documentary of my daily life
71. Pay my credit card bill myself for one month
72. Get involved with journalism
73. Get out of the country, somehow
74. Get accupuncture
75. Classic movies, bunches of them
76. All chocolate day
77. People watching, not facebook stalking
78. Picnic!
79. Goodwill... Make it work!
80. Home spa day
81. Be a secret admirer
82. Make good on a promise I've forgotten
83. Invent something people could use everyday
84. Go streaking ;]
85. Feed the hungry
86. Go to an AA meeting
87. Shedd and Baltimore Aquarium
88. Invite my friends to a late night snack buffet
89. Be the answer to someone's prayer
90. Enter a writing contest
91. Scrapbook my high school experience
92. Listen to someone else's music
93. Go to a concert for a band I don't know
94. Card games; learn some, play some
95. Get up and watch the sunrise
96. Take a class on etiquette
97. Wear ugly snuggley sweaters in public for a week
98. Volunteer to walk dogs at Lollipop Farms
99. Write a letter to God
100. Create one more sculptural piece of art
101. Go treasure hunting

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